English Version
Ho ho ho !!!! hello peeps !!!^^ how r u today??? hopefully you all have a splendid day with you family n frnds :) Today. I've been busy one whole day jus to working on my blog... hee~~~ I'm still new to this blog things...so, need some time la to learn a new things...hehehe... k la...
Today, I want to talk abt friendship....ermmm....I bet, everyone in this world have their own friends, right ??? To make a friend is easy but to find a good friend is very difficult.... ppl make frnds for various reasons... the poker face are everywhere...if we don't be careful, we might choose a wrg friend... some make frnds to share abt their problems, to exchange ideas and information... ppl also make frnd just for their own good... maybe they want to take an advantages of a person...
What are the tips to choose a good friends???
1. Take the time to think what a true friend means to you. Ask yourself what do you look in a person that called friend...
2. Pay attentions to your comfort level when you're with person... A true friend make you feel at ease in any situations..
3. Identify your difference of opinion... Arguments make a healthy friendship because they force you to think differently about things...
4. Notice if the person shows concern for your well being... When you start talking about your probs, see if their have full attention... Remember!!! True friends don't let their eyes wander or glaze over when it's not their turn to gripe !!!
5. Be honest whether someone can ever be a good friend... A true friend is someone who can accompany you on the journey to personal growth... That willing to share all the joys and pains... Someone who just agrees with everything you say isn't going to help you reach your potential....
So, I hope you guys will make a wise decision in order to choose a good friend ya... because friendship is a noble relationship... don not misuse the relationship... if you have a friend that always make you sad, n only come to you when they need a help, or they always forget about you when they want to do some events... OR they always hide themselves then I advice you, pls wave your hand and say BYE BYE!!! hehehe...it's no use you feel sad for ppl like diz...for someone that forget their own friends.. You nid to remember, you have a feeling too...as a friend, we nid to respect each other feeling ya... hehehe...k la..until here then... CHOW!!!!^^
Malay Version
Ho ho ho!!! Hello semua !!!^^ apa khabar anda2 sekalian??? diharap semuanye baik2 je disamping klrga dan kwn yg tercinta ye.. Ari ni, aku dah sibuk seharian mengerjarkan blog aku ni..bwahahaha.... aku ni masih baru dlm blog2 ni... so, perlukan masa sikit la ye utk blaja benda bari ni...hehehe...k la...
Ari ni aku nk ckp psl persahabatan...ermmm... Aku rasa, semua org dlm dunia ni ada kwn msg2 kan??? utk berkwn sng tp nk cari kwn yg baik tu susahkan??? org berkwn mmpnyai plbg sbb...musang berbulu ayam ada kat mana2 je...klu kita tak hati2 mgkn kita akan pilih kwn yg slh...sesetgh org berkwn sbb nk kong mslh, nak tukar idea n maklumat...ade jugak yg nk berkwn utk pntgn diri...diorg nk kesempatan ke atas klbhn diri seseorg....
Apakah tips2 nk pilih kwn yg baik ???
1.Korg kena la ambk ms utk fikir ape mksd kwn sejati pd diri korg... Korg tanya diri korg apa yg korg cari dlm diri seseorg yg bergelar rakan...
2. Ambl perhatian ttg tahap keselesaan korg bila korg dgn seseorg.. Kwn yg sbnr akan mmbt korg rasa senang dn selesa x kira ape2 situasi pun...
3. Kenal pasti perbezann pendapat korg.. perdebatan mmbtkn hbgn persahabatn yg sihat sbb korg akn dpt berfikir sst bnd tu dr plbg sudut...
4. Korg kena tgk la yg kwn korg tu prihatin x utk kebaikan korg... Bila korg mula berckp ttg mslh korg, tgk diorg bg perhatian tak kat korg...Ingat!!! Kwn yg sebenar akan beri sepenuh tumpuan pd korg dn xkn mencelah sekiranya bkn ms lg utk diorg kemuka kan pndpt...
5. Jujur la ttg samada seseorg tu blh jd kwn yg baik ke x... Kwn yg sebenar akn temani kita spjg perjln hidup... seseorg yg sanggu berkongsi saat suka dan duka bersama2... seseorg yg slalu bersetuju dgn sgl bnd yg korg ckp x semestinye akan membuatkn diri korg lbh maju..
So, aku harap korg akan buat keputusan yg sgt2 teliti dlm memilih kwn ye...sbb persahabatan ni hbgn yg mulia sbnrnye... jgn slh gunakan pulak ye...Klu korg ade kwn yg slalu buat korg sedih, yg slalu dtg kat korg ble diorg perlukan pertlgn je...takpun, diorg slalu lupakan korg bila diorg ade even pape ke, xpun yg slalu meghilangkan diri je.... aku cdgnkn, korg angkat tgn dan lambai je la kat diorg smbil ckp... BYE BYE!!! hehehehehe...x guna korg bersedih dgn kwn2 mcm ni...kat kwn yg lupa kwn sbb korg kena igt,korg pun ade perasaan gak...kita kena la saling jaga-menjaga perasaan sesame kwn ni ye...hehehe...k la...smpi sini je... CHOW!!!!^^
Our friendship will never end^^
4 Leave some comments here^^:
Nice try English. Keep it up. :)
Try to use simple words next time. And care on your grammar too. :)
thx^^ i'm working on it...thx ya^^
like entri ni..bkn semua kwn boleh dipanggil sahabat..
encik realiti...btl tu...kita blh berkwn dgn semua org tp kita jgn percy pd semua org....susah nk dpt sahabat ni....