English Version
I bet these few days you guys must be very busy filling the UPU form for 2nd phase rite??? since the launch date for the 2nd phase was yesterday until 2nd April 2011, everybody must been cracking your nerves thinking for what courses should you choose and which U you want to go...errmmm...for juniors, you all must been wondering what is UPU rite??? for those who knows about it,well... just keep quiet because I'm going to explain for those who don't know ( acting like a professional = _= )... heee~~~
UPU stands for Unit Pusat Universiti... For the last year SPM / STPM / STAM candidates, Diploma and Matriculation students they are encourage to fill this form because it is the students admission to IPTA... so, you guys must think wisely to choose what courses should you pick so that you will not regret later because you cannot simply change the courses after you have been offered the courses that you choose...for those who already attacked by migraine just because of this UPU thing, let me give some tips ( because I know a lot of my friends already become stressful because they confuse don't know what should they pick) ...the only one useful tip that I can give is try to discuss with friends , family , seniors and do some research about the courses (just like what i did ^^ ) and you know what??? It's actually helps a lot... heee~~~
Hopefully, you guys will make a brilliant decision after exhausting your brain thinking about this...Try relax and take your time wisely... there's still much time until 2nd April...so, Good Luck peeps :)
Malay version
Aku rasa korg mesti tgh busy isi borang UPU kan??? al-maklumlah, tarikh utk fasa ke-2 baru buka semalam n tarikh tutup UPU ni pulak 2 April 2012 ni, jadi semua org mesti tgh memerah otak fikir nak pilih bidang ape n U mana korg nak masuk kn??? errmmm... untuk junior2, korg mest tertanya2...UPU???? apa tu???? kpd sesiapa yg dah tau ape bnd UPU ni, korg diam2 sudah la...sbb akak nak terangkan kat junior2 yang x faham ni ok??? ( mcm dh pro sgt je..=_= .hahaha) heee~~~
UPU ni sbnrnye Unit Pusat Universiti... kepada lepasan SPM / STPM / STAM / Diploma dan Matrikulasi digalakkan isi UPU ni la sbb UPU ni adalah kemasukkan pelajar ke IPTA... so, korg kena pikir betul2 la sebelum buat keputusan sbb nant kang tak pasal2 menyesal pilih bidang yg slh...bukan sng tau nk tukar bila dh ditawarkan bidang yg korg pilih tu... kepada sesiapa yg dah nak pecah kepala fikir smpi pening2 tahap migrain tu, meh aku tolong korg sikit...( kwn2 aku sume dah jadi stress sbb diorg tak tahu nak pilih apa )... satu cara yg berkesan - korg try bincang dgn mak,ayh,kakak,nenek,abg ( itu family la kan??? hehehehe), kwn2, senior2 n cari la informasi2 ttg bidang yg korg minat tu....sgt2 membantu tau...sbb aku cuba buat mcm tu...hehehehe
Harap korg akan dapat buat keputusan yang bijak la selepas letih korg memerah otak fikir ttg bnd ni... try relax...ambk la seberapa byk ms utk fikir....ade byk lg ms ni...smpi 2 April 2012...ini masa depan kita tau... Selamat Maju Jaya :)
A few pics of IPTA...which one would you choose???
UMS??? (Universiti Malaysia Sabah)
UIA??? (Universiti Islam Antarabangsa )
UiTM??? (Universiti Teknologi Mara )
UM??? ( Universiti Malaya )
6 Leave some comments here^^:
whoa, i'm interested in this article.
it's good to find somebody from my age to actually write about this UPU thing..
Thanks 4 the tip btw :-)
One thing has been bothering me until nw. As a student lepasan spm, which is better, Matrikulasi or Asasi Sains?
Hello...thx for reading my blog anyway :)
fyi, Matrikulasi has 2 programmed...the 1st one is 1 year programme and the 2nd one is 2 years programme...in Matrik, you will given 4 choices of courses to pick..
1.pure sc
2.technical sc
4. technical
-Matriculation students will be given allowance RM1,250 per semester..
-Matriculation also have their own places from all over Malaysia for the students to study...As you can see the list of Matriculation list when u google it...
-is managed by the Universities under the Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi..
-The programme are divided by few specifics courses and it takes about 1 or 2 years...
-The course is more specific.It's different from matrik because in Asasi you need to choose the course that exactly lead for your ambition and interest..
So, in other words, in Matrik you still have much time to think about the course you want to choose in U later when you continue your degree later...But if you choose Asasi, you will study in the chosen university. So, boleh la berlagak jadi pelajar U kan??? hehehe...
which is better?? Asasi or Matrik???
-well, it's all depends on you...but I prefer Asasi :)
Hopefully this information will help you :)
Yay, thanks 4 the informations~
One more thing related to the matters. If like, for example, i choose asasi sains, do i continue to study in the same university for the same course that i took,or in other words,stuck in the same university when i pursue my degree?
Because in my point of view right now, if i enroll in asasi sains, i won't have to fill in again the borang UPU,which means that i'm not allowed to move to other universities. However if i choose matrikulasi, i still have to isi the borang(sekali lagi), but have the advantage & flexibility of picking a wide range of universities, including overseas universities.
so, any opinions? Do correct me if i'm wrong.
hmmm....in this case...if u choose asasi sains, u will continue study in the same university for the same course...but depends on the courses...because some other course like law, it has 2 choices whether you want to be under KPTM or under the university u have chosen...if you choose KPTM then after you finish your asasi, you can go to other university...i don't know whether asasi sains are same with law... if you choose asasi, for sure you can continue your study abroad if you have a great result...well, it's all depends on your result...yeah...it's true if you choose Matrik, you still have more time to think which university you want to go...but asasi is something like an assurance that you will learn at the Universiti...
Thank you ! Your Replies made my day :)
welcome^^ enjoy your day...keep following my blog...oh yeah, i already add you at facebook :)